On world order and disorder

Jonathan Holslag

Welcome! Thanks for visiting. I consider myself a world politics generalist, trying to see the big picture without losing sight of the details. My main areas of interest are geopolitics, Eurasian affairs, and economic power politics. Contact: [email protected]


New report about Alibaba (read)

Analysis: Global Gateway or dead end? (read).

Opinion in Le Monde: Opium War in reverse? (read).

A long interview with Review of Democracy on my latest book and how the West made its authoritarian rivals rich (listen or read).

New book: ‘The Citadel State: Of Statecraft, power, and ideals.”

“It is sometimes said that statecraft is the art of the possible. But how can the possible be art? Art overcomes the limitations of the possible. You cannot overcome the possible without ideals.” 

The new contest for Eurasia: Read my essay about great power politics in Eurasia.