Throughout the years, I had the opportunity to give numerous talks varying from confidential briefings to governments, key-notes for large companies, to guest lectures for secondary schools. If you want to invite me for a talk, you can reach me via [email protected]. I try to give three talks per month.
Talks and briefings in official contexts: Chiefs of European Land Forces Meeting, Chiefs of European Navies, Chiefs of European Navies, European Ambassadors Conference, European Council Presidency, European Military Staff, European Parliament, European Political and Security Committee (COPS), NATO Nuclear Planning Group, NATO SACEUR, NATO Special Operations Headquarters (NSHQ), North Atlantic Council, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission, UK Joint Expeditionary Force, US Department of Defense, US State Department, the armed forces of Belgium, the Netherlands, France, UK, Norway, Canada, Italy, Denmark, Singapore, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, Germany, Japan, the Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Norway, Finland; various intelligence services.
Talks and briefings to companies: ABN Amro, Ahhold, Airbus, BAE, BASF, Blackstone, BNP Paribas, Engie, Euroclear, European Construction Association, European Shipping Association, ING, Rabobank, Safran, Siemens, Takeda, UBS, VNO-NCW.