The Citadel State: Of Statecraft, power, and ideals
It is sometimes said that statecraft is the art of the possible. But how can the possible be art? Art overcomes the limitations of the possible. You cannot overcome the possible without ideals (read more).
“The only one I know on the European continent who really gets it about our world today.” Robert D. Kaplan.

World politics since 1989
From wall to wall. This book explains how the age of globalisation gives way to a new age of walls, nationalism, and conflict (read more).
“A tour de force. This is the most comprehensive and insightful I read in the last ten years.” Amitai Etzioni, George Washington University.

The Silk Road Trap
Published by Polity in 2019: A short book about the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative and its consequences for Europe. (Read more)
“A strong and thought-provoking argument.” Financial Times

A political history of the world
Published by Pelican in 2019: A broad canvas overview of the events that shaped world history, the continuous shifts in the balance of power, changes and patterns in diplomacy, and developments in thinking about international relations. (Read more)
‘Superb, extensive and well written.’ Journal of World History

China's coming war with Asia
Published by Polity in 2016: This book argues that what has made China’s rise peculiar is not so much its ambition and behaviour, but the reticence with which other countries in Asia try to balance China. That, however, could change. Conflict in Asia cannot be excluded.
‘Brilliant.’ Men Honghua, Central Party School.
Other books:
China and India: Prospects for Peace (Columbia University Press, 2010)
Trapped Giant (IISS and Routledge, 2011)
China’s Coming War with Asia (Polity and others, 2015)
De Kracht van het Paradijs (De Bezige Bij, 2014)

The West since 1989: Strategic mistakes and broken resolve
Conversation with Ferenc Laczo about my new book, the West inconsistent approach in defending its values and the price it paid.

World politics since 1989
From wall to wall. This book explains how the age of globalisation gives way to a new age of walls, nationalism, and conflict (read more).
“A tour de force. This is the most comprehensive and insightful I read in the last ten years.” Amitai Etzioni, George Washington University.